Take up and read.

  • What is the Gospel

    What is the Gospel, by Greg Gilbert

    “What is the gospel? It seems like a simple question, yet it has been known to incite some heated responses, even in the church. How are we to formulate a clear, biblical understanding of the gospel? Tradition, reason, and experience all leave us ultimately disappointed. If we want answers, we must turn to the Word of God.”

  • Love That Lasts

    Love That Lasts, by Gary and Betsy Ricucci

    “Marriage is a profound and marvelous mystery established by God for his glory-and that is for our good. So many marital relationships never reach their greatest potential because they have the fatal limitation of being focused on one another. When our focus is solely on God, our marriages have the potential to thrive and not merely survive.”

  • The Scripture Cannot Be Broken

    The Scripture Cannot Be Broken, edited by John MacArthur

    “The Scripture Cannot Be Broken stands as a clarion call to all who love the Bible and want to see Christ’s church thrive in our increasingly secular world. It is a call to stand alongside our spiritual forefathers with wisdom, clarity, and courage―resolute in our confidence that Scripture is the very Word of God.”

  • Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands

    Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands, by Paul David Tripp

    “In many ways, the church today has more consumers than committed participants. We see church merely as an event we attend or an organization we belong to, rather than as a calling that shapes our entire life.

    Many of us would be relieved if God had placed our sanctification in the hands of trained professionals, but that simply is not the biblical model. Gods plan is that through the faithful ministry of every part, the whole body will grow to maturity in Christ.”

  • Trusting God

    Trusting God, by Jerry Bridges

    “Why is God allowing this? What have I done wrong? Many of us have asked these questions when life hits us hard. When our circumstances defy explanation, it is difficult to untangle our emotions from the truth. Before long, we feel confused and frustrated. We doubt His care for us. We wonder how He could allow these circumstances at all, or if He is really in control.”

  • The Exemplary Husband

    The Exemplary Husband, by Stuart Scott

    “God ordained marriage between a man and a woman for companionship, procreatioin, and so man would have a "helper suitable." However, God says much more in the Bible about husbands loving their wives than He says about wives submitting to their husbands. He created marriage to be a picture of the relationship between Christ and the Church. Christ was willing to sacrifice His life for the Church, and God expects no less from husbands today.”